You must have at least one ice cream per day when the sun is shining. Stop by our popular ice bar, and look forward to putting your teeth in our large Limfjords or Mr. Krabbe Waffle.

Here in our icbar, it is possible to buy a French Hotdog, waffle ice cream, pancakes with ice cream, soft ice or belgian waffles.

Are you into the mandatory ice cream or are you craving a snack? In our ice bar there are different kinds of servings for both children and adults.

Visit the ice bar and experience the fantastic view over the Limfjord.


Contact us today

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Limfjords Camping og Vandland I/S

Ålbæk Strandvej 5 - DK-7860 Spøttrup - Tlf: (+45) 9756 0250 - Mail:
CVR nr. 39289482

  • DK Camp

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ADAC Empfehlung 2018ANWB erkende camping 2018