
Attractions near Limfjords Camping & Vandland


Spøttrup Borg

Spøttrup Borg in Salling is Denmark's best preserved medieval castle. Nowhere else in Denmark you find a medieval atmosphere like Spøttrup Borg. The museum has numerous activities, such as live creations, exhibitions and markets. The many activities contribute to making Spøttrup Borg an exciting place to visit.

Welcome to the Middle Ages !!

Hjerl Hedes Frilandsmuseum

- The living museum that shows daily life in the countryside for approximately 150 years ago.

Hjerl Hede is one of Denmark's most beautiful natural areas, where extensive heaths and almost invariably egecrat surround Denmark's largest moorlake - Flyndersø. In the middle of this unique Western Jutland landscape, Hjerl Hedes Frilandsmuseum is located.

Jesperhus Blomsterpark

Scandinavia's largest flower park with more than 1 million flowers and large playground. 3000 m2 indoor section with 4D cinema, tarzantrack and zoo with free-range animals and feedings that the guests participate in.

Everything is free when the entrance is paid ....

Fur Museum

The Fur Museum is a natural history and cultural-historical local museum which contains a unique collection of 55 million-year-old fossils of international class.

The museum tells about the region's landscapes and subsoil - a story that ranges from the tropical Moler sea to the arctic cold of the ice age, where large ice masses formed Denmark.

Mønsted Kalkgruber

World's Largest Lime Mine - An endless maze of mines with caves as large as cathedrals and narrow aisles where an adult man cannot walk upright. For visitors, there are lights in more than two kilometres of mines. Across the largest lake in the pit, there is a multimedia show every hour, a light sea where the history of the limestone and the mines reflects in the water.

Daubjerg Kalkgruber

Equipped with just a candle, you will travel in Denmark's oldest limestone mine. The site also has a museum with fossils and tools from earlier work in the mines.

The humidity in the mines is special and suitable for storing cheeses. These cheeses can be bought in the store.

Bowl'n'Fun Skive

Bowl'n'Fun is the perfect gathering place for family, friends and colleagues.

We have 14 fully automatic bowling lanes. All are equipped with children's bands, which can be used if needed.

Skiveegnens Turistcenter

The ski slope is right next to the Limfjord with 190 km of coastline. Here you will find beaches, fjord, moor and forests.

Experience the moler cliffs at Fur, the many manor houses, Spøttrup Borg, the limestone mines and enjoy all of the artwork. Welcome!

Contact us today

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Limfjords Camping og Vandland I/S

Ålbæk Strandvej 5 - DK-7860 Spøttrup - Tlf: (+45) 9756 0250 - Mail:
CVR nr. 39289482

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